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Happy World Water Day!

R Jones

Water Facts:

Did you know it takes between 3,000 and 5,000 liters of water to produce 1kg of rice, 2,000 liters for 1kg of soya, 900 liters for 1kg of wheat and 500 liters for 1kg of potatoes? While agriculture currently takes over 72% of our water supply, experts predict that by 2050, food production needs will require a further 50% increase to feed a total of 10 billion people on the planet. Today, an estimated 884 million people or more are without basic drinking water, while 2.2 billion lack access to safe drinking water and 4.2 billion to safely- managed sanitation. A further 3 billion need access to basic handwashing facilities (CDC, 2021).

When next you turn on your tap or drink a glass of clean water, know that there is nothing more precious to life on Earth than water. #Bewaterminded #GreenTalkSolutions #WorldWaterDay #Savewater #reducefoodwaste #cleanwater #cleanoceans

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